In the future, a nuclear war has left the Earth as a desert wasteland where the ocean has dried up leaving the Earth as a vast desert landscape. Most of the water supplies are controlled by the elite corporation E-Protecorate, where the E-Protectcorate takes children away from their families and are forced to live in a orphanage, where they are to be trained as E-Police, the E-Protectcorate's security army led by the cruel commanding officer Grock. After playing a game of Skateball (Hockey on Rollerskates) against their rival team 'The Scorpions'. Daniel, the youngest member of the Solarbabies discovers a glowing orb from another galaxy called Bodahi in a mineshaft and Bodahi heals Daniel's deafness. The Solarbabies learn Bodahi has amazing powers. And the discovery of Bodahi convinces the Solarbabies to escape from the Orphange and fight back against the E-Protectcorate. Pursued by Grock, who is after Bodahi, The Solarbabies travel across the desert wasteland, where Bodhai is the key in their quest to defeat the E-Protectcorate and liberate the world from it's control. In a post-apocalyptic future ruled by the military, a group of renegade teenage orphans find a legendary orb, Bohdai, that can supposedly bring the rain back to dried up Earth. I remember watching this when it appeared on television. I thought it was fabulous. At the moment I only have a recording on VHS, but would buy this film on DVD once a decision has been made to release it in the UK. The storyline is impossible (how can you store water of a vast amount as seen in the film?), but I love it all the same. For its time the settings and effects are amazing. I remember fantasising that I was Daniel who had found Bodahi and watched the film more through his eyes. Though I suppose this would be the same with anyone else?<br/><br/>An interest I found in this film is that Jami Gertz and Jason Patric work so well together as a couple that they appear together in 'The Lost Boys'. This movie sent me in hysterical laughter. A bunch of kids in a post nuke war desert where the government has all the water (hmm if there are no plants where is the air coming from???) find a glowing sphere and save the world. Has more plot holes then you can count. In the words of another equaly cheesy film "you will laugh, you will cry, you will puke, you die"
Marant replied
326 weeks ago